Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 16, March 29, 2020

Day 16, March 29, 2020

Eight years ago today, I was in the hospital, preparing for my second c-section in two years. While the first one was crazy and chaotic, this time, I had my doula by my side, offering hand rubs and foot rubs with lavender oil to calm me, my husband cracking jokes, and me keeping my blood pressure at a normal level, once again thanks to my doula who was doing deep breathing exercises with me.  I had one and a half year old daughter at home that I'd given a big hug and kiss to before leaving, and another one in my belly, kicking to remind me she was ready to come out.  I was completely calm until it was time for the spinal, at which point I was alone with the doula and anesthesiologist, and had a full-on panic attack with tears and sobbing.  Thankfully, both women were pros, and and my doula gently rubbed my back while the anesthesiologist held my hand until I was had stopped shaking enough for her to numb me. 

It was, in my doctor's words "an absolutely textbook normal c-section delivery", which I am forever grateful for.  The first delivery had been terrifying, but this one had my daughter placed on my chest by my husband right after she was toweled off, and I was able to give her kisses while she held onto Jeff's index finger.  She cried when she came out, but as soon as her father held her, she was soothed, and she barely made a peep while she snuggled into me.  

Today, that little person celebrated her birthday basically under house arrest with her sister, daddy, and me.  It wasn't what we had originally intended.  Her birthday party was supposed to be at the facility where we hold her soccer practices, complete with a soccer pinata, a soccer ball cake, soccer games, and even soccer tattoos. And while it wasn't the birthday she wanted originally, we were together, we were healthy, and we were able to make it sweet and memorable.  

It started when my friend Erin dropped off a banner and helium tank (still in the box, WITH BALLOONS) that she'd gotten for her own daughter's birthday last week.  The tank was an extra one, so she was happy to give it to someone who could use it.  This set the stage for us decorating the living room for the birthday girl.  Her big sister made her a crown, and my husband surprised all of us with a very artistic card he had drawn of E. in 2035, playing in the World Cup.

Then, despite the cold and steady falling rain, Grammy and Granddad dropped off gifts, which meant we got to see them briefly (even if from over15 feet away).  Her aunt also dropped off presents, and brought her very large golden retriever Charlie with her, and proceeded to roll down the window and pop a party hat on him, which got a lot of laughs.  After they got in their cars, we had a big group video chat with them, Nana and Popum, and my sister and brother-in-law, even though the sound wouldn't work for my mom's end of the call.  We ended up calling N&P on the phone, propping it next to the computer so we could hear them from the phone, and see them on the video screen.

Three large wild turkeys meandered through our lawn, which our new Ring doorbell picked up, and while we watched them gobbling, E. turned to me and said "Mommy, I think they are singing 'Happy Birthday!'"  

Two of her friends drove by with their moms (who are two of my best friends) and sang happy birthday from their cars.  One of them brought a homemade sign she'd made (complete with word search and other activities on the back) and the other brought her brothers, and a couple of books and Mad Libs.  She also got to video chat with her grandparents, aunts, and several friends.  Receiving an American Girl Doll (knockoff) tent, picnic set, and bathroom set definitely helped, and she loved clothes she got from her Aunt Kit and close family friends.  And in the all-important cake portion of the day, I pulled off making it look remarkably like a soccer ball.  

The post I made on Facebook last night, where I asked my friends wish her a happy birthday, turned out better than I could have expected too.  It resulted in a bunch of photos, gifs, messages, and videos that I was able to show her before bed time, and any time your child goes to bed smiling, you know it's been a pretty awesome day.

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