Sunday, June 14, 2020

Day 94- June 14, 2020

Day 94- June 14, 2020

We had a visitor in the backyard today- a little deer who jumped the fence, and we saw through the kitchen window, chomping on the foliage in the backyard. We've gotten really into the wildlife over the last few months, what with the many MANY groundhogs (Woody and her babies, all five of them), plus bun-bun the bunny and friends, not to mention the copious number of chipmunks who dart through the yard. But with the fence surrounding our property, the deer have been a rarity in the yard.

This sweet one wandered at her leisure, though- chomping on the hedges (which is great, they needed
a trim), munching the leaves from some of the trees in the far back.  We were a bit concerned about startling her, as the back edge of our property is basically a cliff behind the fence, and we didn't want her blindly trying to jump it and injuring herself.  We also didn't want her eating the apple trees we planted a few years ago, or the blueberries and blackberries that are just starting to form on our bushes, so we did do a small amount of gentle shooing to ensure their safety (and the deer's).

The girls have discovered Hannah Montana, and we are watching copious amounts of it.  They also are loving their Prodigy memberships, and I'm honestly shocked by how much they have both improved in math.  It's become fun for them, and the little prizes they win (pets that transform, houses, furniture for the houses) have been the perfect incentive in this game.  I never wanted my kids to be into video games, but I feel like this is a reasonable option.  Thinking back, I definitely played my share of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. when I was a kid.  It wasn't all-consuming, like I know it is for some people, but I enjoyed it and I feel like that's the case for the girls.

The kids are also excited because school ends Wednesday. I am giddy myself.  Part of the joy of being a teacher or librarian is interacting with your students- and I've missed that these last several months.  It's been exhausting trying to find new and innovative ways to help my colleagues and students, and at this point, I'm in the somewhat-boring stage of ordering things for next year.  But it's hard, because we don't know what school will look like in the fall.  I'm holding off on ordering hard-copies of books, because if everything is online, I need to focus more on ebooks.  If we go back to school, some of the online things I'm looking at would likely go unused.  So I'm holding off for more directives, which will hopefully come by August or so, when we have a better idea of what the new school year looks like.

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