Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Day 61- May 12, 2020

Day 61- May 12, 2020

Today I learned a new phrase: visual migraine.  After spending WAY too much time on screens today (zoom meeting for a sustainability grant I applied for, a zoom meeting for Jeff's unemployment that his real estate company organized, small group zoom meeting for E.'s class about writing).  So when it got to dinner time, I made food fro the girls, and as I sat down, my vision suddenly went wonky.

All of a sudden, there was a zigzag kaleidoscope affect, like I was looking through one of those weird Facebook filters.  I couldn't really focus and started to somewhat freak out (internally- I'm a mom, you can't freak out externally).  Instead, we ate as I waited for my vision to improve.  There was no headache, which was good, and I tested my limbs and smiling to make sure that I wasn't having a stroke (all normal).  I then did the totally acceptable thing to do during a quarantine which was to Google my symptoms (normally a really REALLY bad idea when it's not a quarantine).  This is what led me to the phrase "visual migraine"- sudden onset, lasts 10-30 minutes, no headache, and then back to normal.  Everything lined up, so I did the normal "post-dinner" routine of cleaning up the table and corralling the children, and then, just as we were packing up to go bring Jeff some dinner, it went away and I felt fine.

It's been a long sixty one days, and considering the state of the world, adding random medical symptoms to the list of things we're dealing with is not okay.

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