Sunday, May 31, 2020

Day 80- May 31, 2020

Day 80- May 31, 2020

Thanks to a couple of college guys, we now have a stainless steel refrigerator in the house we're
The fridge before it migrated to the house
working on.  WHAT an improvement.  Between that and the white painted cabinets, the room is starting to come together.  Granted, we still need to cut a small piece of cabinetry to get the fridge into the space, but that's small potatoes at this point.

What is important is that my children heard some very colorful language as we worked on taking the doors of the refrigerator hinges in order to fit it through the doorways.  I don't know if things you have to move were just smaller back in the day, but doorframes really should be minimum 35 inches.  Allow for some quality clearance as you move things around, instead of struggling to get a handhold as you precariously balance on a step trying not to drop a multi-hundred-pound appliance.

In retrospect, though, I seem to remember a lot of appliances that are older (like the fridge in my mom's basement and the stove I remember in my great-grandma's apartment) being really big, so did people build houses around the appliances?  Like bring them in, then finish the framing and drywall?  Did things just last a lot longer so no one thought of this (I mean, I know they did, but wow)

These are the questions that ran through my head as we were struggling to fit the fridge through the narrow doorframes.  On the plus side, they fit it through, the old one is out, and we're one step closer to getting this place on the market for Sammy.  I'm so excited to show her the result of all this work.  This week is the glazing of the bathrooms, and the countertops going in (quartz that mimics marble).

In other news, I hate allergies.  Like with the same burning fire that is making my cheeks flush, my eyes burn, and everything itch.  I'm taking Benedryl daily, because the other meds don't work as quickly, and today, it caused me to miss a friend's baby shower drive by because I passed out.  I was intending to just lie down for a few minutes, and instead, woke in a panic realizing that it was definitely way past noon. I'm going to try to see her tomorrow or this week, but I'm horribly disappointed in myself.

I was able to channel my frustration into something productive, though, and completed three quizzes for an online class I'm taking to get to that Master's Plus 30 column on my pay chart.  It's satisfying knowing I only have two more assignments, and I'm there.  It's going to be such a bonus for my family for me to be able to contribute more income for the same work- no second job, just getting paid what I deserve for completing more higher education that will help me as a teacher.  It's a beautiful thing.

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