Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Day 75- May 26, 2020

Day 75- May 26, 2020

Today was a painting day!  The girls stayed at our house (more on that in a minute) with their Grammy and Aunt Marian watched them from a socially-appropriate distance in the back yard.  I ran over to the house to meet Jeff, and tackle the kitchen.  With the bathroom being glazed next week (it will look brand new and shiny white if the company's before and after pictures are accurate), this is the final hurdle before Jeff can list the home for sale.  It's been a long journey, but I'm happy we were able to help out a friend.  She wrote a sweet note to us that I received this morning, and made my day.

The kitchen is going to be the same light grey that runs through most of the house, with white trim and white cabinets.  Jeff's working on the doors and the box frames, and I was in charge of walls.  While I was standing on the ladder handling a rather high section of the wall, my phone of course rank, and I answered even though I didn't recognize the number.  It was the head of the town library where I work, and the director was calling to talk to me about getting my students virtual library cards (I'd emailed him last week), so that they can take out ebooks and audiobooks over the summer.  If you aren't in education, this probably doesn't mean much, but for those of us working in the trenches right now, having access for all my students to so many additional options would be incredible.

When I got home (after dropping off the payment for the real estate sign permit for the house- this
means as soon as we hit the market, Jeff can post the sign out front), I found my children had decorated each other in mud.  Yes, mud.  They had created a small hole next to their splash pad, pulling up some grass until they hit (literally) pay dirt.  They then used it as warrior paint, and had created their own designs, phrases, and unique make up.  They were happy, and in the warm afternoon, had found something non-electonic to occupy themselves with, which makes me happy.

I was also pleased to see our chicken wire fence, which we had struggled to put in between the picket fence and the bushes surrounding the garden, seemed to be keeping the small critters at bay.  No matter how many cute names E. gives them (Oreo, Bun-Bun, and Woody, among others), they still consume our beans and plants, and I'd like to have some of the veggies saved for us to eat.

The big news of the day was that the governor has opened up outdoor, in person graduations (with appropriate social distancing, of course).  This was met with a lot of cheers on social media, and I hope they can pull it off safely.  There's a lot to take into consideration, especially with larger classes (my school will have over 350 seniors).  Do parents attend, so two guests (which is what I've seen for indoor graduations in the past)?  But what if there's an extended family, where the parents are divorced and remarried?  What if you have young siblings and no childcare?  There are a lot of logistics to be worked out, but it's a step in the right direction towards reopening, and hopefully seeing the experts getting a handle on this disease.  We can all hope.

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